It's about our people.

For our franchisees, concern and focus should be on how they can better serve their clients. Once a year we hold a special conference to address this - improvement across the horizon of activities that touch the end user. We delve into how they can offer top grade service and relevant products to answer a question or remedy a need. For us, the concern is our customer, the franchisee. Backing their efforts with training and guidance, new developments and ideas - this is our calling. The past week in Las Vegas saw the best of both shine brightly. It was our franchisees in search of the information and motivation to succeed and our efforts to deliver such.
I had a good feeling about this year's conference, I thought the increased attendance our team had mustered for the event would make a big difference. It would show the suppliers at the trade show that United Franchise Group franchisees are a powerful arm they can use to market and sell their products. From what I saw and heard regarding our suppliers, this was achieved all day Monday and Tuesday. The increased participation in events we hold solidifies the belief that you're never to far down the path to learn and grow. Franchisees of all tenure levels came to Rio Hotel and dove into the supplier trade show, breakout sessions, and plenty of side meetings for their respective brands. I met with friends from years ago and newer members of our group fresh from training school. Each of them came with their own separate needs and reasons for attending. But for us, for me, the event was all about being with the people we support. Knowing first-hand what their ideas are, where their struggles lie, and determining how we can assist. The various means we have to communicate with the franchisees cannot replace seeing them in person and engaging over a meal or simply a walk down a very long corridor. (Of which there were many!) I enjoy being a part of what we have built - a network of successful business professionals, each taking a piece of our formula home to launch their franchise. This was a great week!
For those franchisees that couldn't attend, you are now tasked with paying twice as much attention to the communication channels we offer. There will be follow up information sent out regarding new programs and developments introduced at Expo. Suppliers will make good on show specials, sometimes for a limited time after the show. Commit to bringing yourself and your staff to our next event, it is worth the time you spend away from your business. It is worth the money you invest to put yourself in a different place, physically and figuratively, to look at your operation from the outside. The things we can do to support your business are many. Help that cause by being there to accept our very best advice, new findings, corrective action, and enthusiasm. You know we enjoy putting the World Expo event together - it's done on your behalf. A show so large it rivals industry-wide events in the categories in which our franchisees operate. Be a part of it. Because it's about you.