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Shakespeare was right!

It's tough to figure out what's going on sometimes. Think of how many people delve into self-help books, classes, therapy or mood altering drugs while in search of an answer to their problems. Or alcohol, porn, abusive behavior, gambling, there are a long list of vices one can fall into.  As of late, I'm learning of a method that employs none of the above remedies. I have had a bit more "alone time" than usual over the past 4-6 weeks. With this time, I think. Yes, I do plenty of thinking. Some might say too much thinking! I have relived some high and low points. I have enjoyed looking back on good things and dreaded some of the scenarios I've created all by myself in my mind. They probably won't ever occur, but I've already seen them unfold and it's frightening. I decided to scrape deeper than just through the first few surface layers.

Here's where it got interesting. I had to believe that looking honestly at myself and my decisions would release some sensability and possibly some answers. Real honesty, like there's no one left to fool, it's only me here listening and I know the truth behind my decisions. So I pressed into asking myself what I had done and why. When you look that deeply at yourself unabashed, you see some root causes that helped create your current situation. I did this. You peek behind reason and pierce beyond doubt and fear. I did that. The surprise for me was that my reasons were good. My motives were positive. My innermost thoughts were leading me where I need to be via an unlikely and uncomfortable route. I'm learning that I am growing and making good decisions for myself. With my best interests at the forefront, I've begun to steer myself into a healthier place. Mind and body health, this is really good! Having seen this technique work, I want more. I am looking at other areas to see if I can press the same formula into place. Can a stark look in the mirror with no distractions yeild favorable results? Yes. Don't be afraid to go in front of the mirror and see yourself. See what's really there, the strong parts and the weak spots. If it means enough to you, the weak areas will command attention. They did for me! All because I convinced myself to be cold and honest with myself. I wasn't afraid to really peel back how I thought ~ all to discover a reason or solution that would explain how I was feeling. This is profound when experienced. My journey continues...

"To thine own self be true." ~ William Shakespeare

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