LinkedIn Skills

Still new on the scene, the Linkedin Skills Endorsement feature is becoming VERY popular. It's a quick way to validate the experience and positive attributes of your connectons on this popular social site. What I'm seeing through daily use is that the skills garnering the most "endorsements" from others are being suggested most frequently to your connections upon their login to LinkedIn. That's skewing the value of counting the number of endorsements a person receives. Overall, the endorsements feature is a good idea but it's being implemented in a sideways manner. Its purpose is to gain more endorsements and credibility vouching from your connections. What's happening however, is the popularity of one skill over another has LinkedIn warping the accuracy of each person's job functions by "stacking" the number of endorsements to favor the ones currently with the most votes or endorsements. This endorsement "gathering strategy" should be altered by LinkedIn. It's misrepresenting what you may really be good at, and doing so with help from your connections! They have to adjust the formula that recommends your skills at login ~ or be prepared for LinkedIn to "feed" your already fat skills and leave potentially more valuable and pertinent choices at bay.
Watch for more on this, I cannot be the only person watching this happen...
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