Expo Intangibles

It's coming in less than two months, the big support event we sponsor for our franchisees. World Expo 2012 is set to fire off April 15-19th in Las Vegas at the Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino. It's a big deal around here, we work for months leading up to the conference to make sure we are delivering what our attendees need. It is an educational experience sharply pointed in the direction our franchisees should be heading. It is suppliers, products, special deals, samples and demonstrations from big names and innovative newcomers that look to have their goodies represented in your business. It is peer-generated excitement, the sharing and learning that comes with close quarters contact over the four day event. It is worth your time and money to attend.
Traditionally we tout the reasons above as why you should attend the event. True, they have merits. But if you've been to the Expo before, you may think, "I know about the new products, thanks Internet, I don't need new equipment, mine works, and I just can't afford it, time or money-wise this year." If these thoughts or similar have been in your head, I need to have your attention for 3 minutes. That's all it would take to discover what things an Expo brings to you that you don't see coming, won't see on the brochure, and probably need in your business. Here's my take on Expo Intangibles...
- Confidence - You will come home more confident about what's possible in your business. That will happen in breakout sessions when you give time to learn what's new and working for others, as provided by franchisees and suppliers. This is not industry-wide knowledge, it's relevant tips and ideas that work - especially for you from those who share your brand.
- Energy - In all my past dealings with franchisees, I have NEVER spoken with anyone that came back from Expo and didn't have a new "fire" under their shorts to get into the things they found at our event. It could be marketing and sales ideas, technology advances, operational things, new ways to organize, new gadgets to buy. It always happens, you come home ready to move a bit quicker. You need that!
- Grounding - Knowing the truth can help you focus on what's possible. It's great to set goals and strive and reach, but you'll dissappoint yourself if you set unreasonable and unattainable goals. Come see what is happening among the others that are breaking records. How many employees did she have? What type of promotion worked best? Stop kidding yourself, the collective knowledge at Expo feeds your growth with the truth. Come see the facts as provided by your peers. Then return home and chase your records.
- Friends - You have some from Training School, you know other local franchisees from meetings in your area, make a trip to feel good about those that you know and enjoy being around. Eat drink and see Las Vegas. You work hard, when do you reward yourself and make memories about your business that aren't 100% business related? Expo time!
- Dream - If there's one thing I like doing that always motivates me, it's seeing the best of the best perform. How do they do it? Are they different from me? I watch, I listen and I learn. Attend the Awards events and see just how far people have taken the same concept you practice each week in your community. Know that they started just like you, probably not an industry expert, fresh out of training school and green. Many of our superstars came to an Expo early on in their careers and said, "That's going to be me." And it is today. Start your dream at Rio.
We want as many people as possible to join in the Expo experience. The theme is Reconnect, Refocus and Revitalize. That's what Expo can do for your business! We have discounts on airfares this year, that's helpful. We have a great hotel serving as the base of the event. If you would consider going to one event to help your business over the course of a calendar year, why not attend the one that's custom made for you? Make a move that will springboard your 2012 plans into high gear. Register for the World Expo today. Expo Website.