28% = Landslide warning.

A company called the Pew Internet Project released a study earlier this week stating that 28% of American adults now use their smartphone as their primary conduit to the Internet. This means that they spend more time and invoke more instances with the online world via a 4.5" x 2.5" phone screen vs. using a PC or a Mac. Huh?
Apple introduced a new method of updating the software on it's popular iPhone products, it involves updates that happen via the network, wirelessly into the device. That's how you'll receive the new iOS version 5 says Steve Jobs. No longer are you required to plug your phone into an iTunes equipped computer. Reason? Many of the new users that have come on board with the two networks supporting iPhone (AT&T, Verizon) don't have a computer! They are getting the phone to allow themselves to be online.
The seismic shift from computer to mobile device is flowing right by us. I last blogged of the new reality whereby the customer steers more of the service attitude by having incredible review power - instantly. (See last post) With the growing popularity of QR codes and the free QR code reader apps for the Droid and iPhone, the consumer carries the web in their pocket. This can be your web they tote around if you're using QR codes to direct buyers to your products. As a result, our franchisees have begun putting QR codes on signs, windows, vehicles, shirts, mousepads, stress balls, all over! A SIGNARAMA can do this for your advertising and graphics, an EmbroidMe can QR code your apparel and promotional products. Have a look at the report, it's interesting!
Pew Internet Project report on mobile web users.
Then have a look at what some of our stores are doing QR code-wise. You can find one near you...