The best way to give advice.

I went for a ride early Sunday morning, a 50 mile jaunt to a familiar spot near Port Salerno, Fl. Many of our area's athletes participated in a triathlon on Saturday, so attendance for this ride was lighter than usual. I rode with my son's friend who has taken on training with adults at age 15. His name is Austin. He is a good rider and what we did yesterday falls well within his abilities.
Do you know the story of a sports coach that can impress something meaningful upon your kid despite you as a parent telling him the same message? Well I am this voice to Austin. Sometimes he listens and sometimes it seems as if he picks through what I say "cafeteria style," taking just the parts he likes. The morning weather was nice, our pace was good and we spoke about many things on the ride. I found myself listening to him go through a story about how he tells his friends at school that aren't willing to wake early in the morning why he does this training. He rationalized the fitness benefits, the goals, his willingness to be more than a "let's drink or get into trouble" kind of teen. It was then I chimed in unrehearsed, with something I swore to myself I'd have to write down when I got back home. I said,
"The best way to give advice ~ is to live the advice. Your example says it all."
I try to guide myself with this idea. When I do it right, it works! Happy Monday everyone.
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