Entries in outlook 2010 problem (1)


Outlook 2010 Always on top?

I don't know how it happened, but a few days ago my Outlook 2010 became very possessive of my Windows Desktop real estate. It would not yield and minimize when I opened a new email window, had an Outlook Reminder come up, or change active programs by clicking on the Taskbar.  I did not load a Google Toolkit, rumored in some posts to be the cause of this issue.  I discovered that by right clicking on the Taskbar, and changing the "Lock the Taskbar" setting twice, it solves the Outlook Always on Top problem.  So if "Lock the Taskbar" is checked, uncheck, then reopen and return to checked.  Do the opposite if it's already unchecked, check it, open it again and uncheck the "Lock the Taskbar" setting.

Background - I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit running on 4Gb RAM on an Intel dual core processor.