This handy unzip tool gives more options than what Microsoft has included with Windows 7. I have Windows 7 Ultimate, but was looking for a method to unzip multiple ZIP files in one swipe using File Explorer and the SHIFT key. That won't fly with Windows zippy version or the demo WINZip software so many have. 7-Zip is a free download from sourceforge.net. It downloads and installs easily, creating an entry on your Windows Programs List as well as adding right-click functionality to your mouse.
The executable program looks like a file manager of sorts. You can surf between the folders in typical Windows fashion, you have COPY, MOVE and DELETE file functions. Like most zip software, you can ADD or DELETE files from a zipped packaged group. For me as stated, the desire was to do a batch unzip on many files and have the unzipped contents all reside in the same directory or folder. (Unzip Here) That worked fine. The 7-Zip website says it's an open source free download that compresses better than PKUzip or WinZip. It's also available in 79 languages... I just know English so my choice was easy. Good to have for an option over and above what comes with Windows 7. www.7-zip.org
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