Apple Watch +3 Months
Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 10:30AM
Dave Masterson in Shazam, Weather Channel, apple watch, experimac, iPhone 6, nerds on site, siri

My Apple Watch on the charge cableI'd say 90 days of constant use would be a good measure of the new Apple Watch. It was a great birthday gift surprise from my girlfriend and I hopped right into the habit of using it. Most days I would wear it out and around at work appointments and for different workouts. This is what I found...

I'm a happy Apple Watch user! I know the next release of software opens up the processing power of the watch so as to be more independent of the iPhone - that will lead to nice new possibilities. I will keep an eye on nice metal bands and I'm always chatting with the Apple store and Experimac folks about new and useful apps. The Apple Watch is a winner for me!


Article originally appeared on Dave Masterson's blog (
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